The electronic collection of Erarta Museum features more than 2,000 works by contemporary artists. Our workshop creates reproductions of these works in any sizes without loss of quality even when significant zooming. By changing the scanning modes, we accurately convey all the nuances of the original color and texture. Ordering a print in Erarta Shop, you will not just decorate your house or office, but also will start your own fine art collection.

A print is a digital reproduction of the artwork on canvas or paper. A giclée print (from the French verb gicler, to squirt out) is a fine art canvas print to which our workshop artists add finishing touches by hand using paints, varnishes, and other materials. This medium adds texture and volume to the canvas, emphasises the artist’s signature style and highlights the most important elements of the artwork.

Giclée prints are fine art prints on canvas hand-finished by our artists. Using texture gel and paints, the artist adds basic brushstrokes to emphasise the principal elements of the artwork’s composition.

With premium giclée prints, not only the principal outlines, but a larger part of the entire canvas surface is covered with paints and gels. Such prints look like actual paintings and closely resemble the original artworks.

Standard order will be ready within 7 working days from the date of payment. You can also place an urgent order (up to 3 working days) for additional fee.

There are several ways to pay for the order:

  • Cash
  • Bank card
  • Bank transfer

Learn more

Via email: eshop@erarta.com or call: +7 800 222 68 91 (daily from 11:00 to 21:30).

Our address: 2, 29th line of Vasilievsky Ostrov, St. Petersburg, Russia, 199106

Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art

No. The order is taken into production only after 100% pre-payment is made.

Courier delivery is available in St. Petersburg within the ring road. You will see the shipping cost at the time of placing your order. You can pay for the delivery together with your order.

If your order contains an original artwork, a sculpture or an interior design item, only Premium delivery is available which includes insurance of the transported goods.

The premium delivery has no restrictions on dimensions and weight. The time of delivery is also shorter, and you can receive the order at any time convenient for you.

Yes. Select “Gift wrap” option in your shopping cart.

You can always get individual consultation by phone: +7 800 222 68 91 (daily from 11:00 to 21:30).

Go to your personal account, choose "Orders" and press "Pay" button.

It depends on the order and the destination. If the reproduction is not stretched on a stretcher, it will be folded and packed in tube. If the print is pulled on a stretcher, it will be wrapped with stretch film. When the order is delivered by a transport company, the print is additionally packed in bubble and cardboard.

Stretcher is a wooden frame that the print on canvas is pulled on.

We don’t have this service yet.

Our website offers the most popular sizes, but you can specify the individual parameters. There is only one limitation: the smallest side of the print should not exceed 1.3 meters.

  1. Wait 20 minutes and try again
  2. Try to pay via another browser
  3. Try to pay by another bank card
  4. Contact us by phone: +7 800 222 68 91 or by mail: eshop@erarta.com

We do not provide this service.

Yes. When placing your order, please choose LEGAL ENTITY under PAYMENT METHOD.