Sekirin Sergey

Sergey was born in Vladikavkaz on 24 June 1987. After attending the Vladikavkaz Art College from 2002 to 2007, in 2008 he entered the Ilya Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture in St. Petersburg. Since 2010, he had studied at the Mural Painting Workshop under the instruction of Sergey Repin. In 2012, Sekirin was awarded the Russian Academy of Arts’ Academic Excellence and Repin Prize medals. Having graduated from the Ilya Repin Institute in 2014, he joined the creative workshop for mural painting of the Russian Academy of Arts lead by Vera Mylnikova. Member of the Artists’ Union of St. Petersburg since 2017, in 2022 Sergey was granted a fellowship from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. 

The artist is a regular participant of municipal, regional, national and international exhibitions, competitions, plein-air events, and other creative initiatives. His works can be found in museum and private collections in Russia and abroad.